Friday, June 22, 2007


This is my first post on a blog. I don't quite understand the concept but I have been checking a few out lately and thought I might as well try it.
I've been working all day on a new paper pack for I've just started selling my items on there and am so excited to see if others will like and purchase what I myself use to scrapbook my stuff everyday.
I've really gotten hooked on digital scrapbooking since I found it. It is so convenient for me because I have a full time job and digital is something I can do at work while waiting on customers and not have to haul a bunch of stuff back and forth from home to work.
I also just bought my first USB Sandisk Cruzer and am loving it. Even though there's not much to backing up on a Cd for some reason this just seems so much easier. I only bought a 1GB though to see if I would like it and I'm going to have to go get more. I can't decide if I want to use it though for my digital photo storage because my camera files are so big I don't want to end up with 50 of these things to have to haul around. Doesn't make much since though because it would still be better than carrying Cd's around. Our local Staples have a 4GB on sale this week for $40 and I'm thinking about going back to get it.

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