Friday, October 19, 2007

October Potato Bar

Oh My! It's been a month since I have blogged. It seems as if everyday I get something piled on to do. I don't even know the last time I have woke up one morning and had absolutely nothing to do for the day. I guess that's what happens as you get older and man I'm really beginning to not like it. Really good thing I'm the type that doesn't let things get to me.
Let's see.... What's happened since last post. First off Steve Bowlen passed away from an accident. He had a really good turn out for his funeral which to me speaks immensely of his personality. I hope mine has that many people. I always feel sorry for people when I go to their funeral and there is hardly anyone there.
We had our Halloween party on a Friday evening this year. We had a better turn out than I thought we would. Still not as many as we have on a Saturday evening but with races that was impossible. We went in the house @ 3:00 in the morning. I was sober before I even went to bed. Had a lot of fun though.
I've been taking my shots for two weeks tomorrow. They aren't that painful but I do have some bruises. Good thing they are in my tummy so I don't look like a junkie. I have my ultrasound scheduled on November 8th and the IVF transfer on November 15th. We'll keep our fingers crossed. I'm hoping we don't have to go through a whole new cycle. Less expense this way. But the Lord willing this will work.
We went shopping in Edinburgh last Saturday and I got me two new pairs of tennis shoes. I was in bad need for those.
I've been creating templates - trying to get things ready for the Potato Bar at This is my first time participating in one. If I didn't have to fight with the Xcart so much on this computer I would have been able to create some more. I was working on a Christmas paper kit and was wanting to put that on there but I did not get that one done. Maybe we'll have one in November and I'll save this for it. Otherwise I'll have to upload it to the shop.
I've been trying to find some more stores to sell my products but have only had luck with one. I've got to read the contract over for that one and decide if it's a good fit for me or not. If I knew more about the Internet I would create my own site to sell at but I'm not to smart when it comes to that. Anyway, I'll post some previews of what will be for sale on Monday, October 22nd at You can also "Buy the Bar." Here they are:

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